Leave the roads; take the trails.
Our Mission
The Old Lyme Land Trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to conserving Old Lyme’s natural, scenic and historic land and water resources for the benefit of the public now and for generations to come. The Trust accomplishes its purpose by acquiring land through donation and purchase, managing the land and by providing education to the public.
Undeveloped land makes Old Lyme unique and beautiful, and it enriches the lives of Old Lyme’s residents. It is a priceless gift to pass on to future generations. Our lands are stewarded by a dedicated group of volunteers who maintain the trails, and a board of trustees that oversees the day to day operations of the trust. We welcome you to visit any of our 14 preserves and use them in accordance with the posted rules.
See you on the Trails!
There are over 800 acres to explore on our 14 preserves. They vary in size and offer a great way to indulge in a quick nature break in the midst of a busy day. Read preserve descriptions, access trail maps and
Please consider joining OLLT as a member and supporting trail upkeep with your donation. Volunteers are also needed to perform trail work. Thank you! Learn how to join & volunteer here.

Dedicated Crew clear a big maple at Lohmann's CT River.
News & Events

LOLHS ECO Club install a bridge at Hoffman, Maittheissen, DeGeranday Preserve to reach the knoll on the white trail. Thank you!!!
Please apply for the Ed Sopneski
YEA! Grants
Youth Environmental Action
Do your have an idea for a project to help nature? Old Lyme Land Trust would like to assist with up to $600!
For more information and application Click Here
There are over 800 acres to explore on our 14 preserves. Challenge yourself to experience them all in 2024 and use this simple Preserve Tracker to make note of when you visit each preserve and what you noticed. Want to send us more feedback? Fill out our Hike 'Em All Report.
Some of the preserves are larger and can take over an hour to hike while others are smaller and offer a great way to indulge in a quick nature break in the midst of a busy day. Keep in mind some trails are more challenging than others and may not be suitable for all hikers. Read preserve descriptions, access trail maps and Choose your next hike HERE
Receive emails throughout the year. ExploreOLLT preserves, get upcoming dates for organized hikes like the Wednesday afternoon Hikers Happy Hours and new 2024 Saturday morning hikes.
OLLT could not accomplish all that we do without our terrific volunteers! Become a member and join our team to help on our committees, work parties, stewards....
Please consider ways you can support our important work. Donations of land, time or cash are what keep our preserves alive!

Summer view of LBT from Lieutenant River

Whale back rock looking west, Fall.

Boulders along the old turnpike

Summer view of LBT from Lieutenant River