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Mile Creek Preserve


191 Mile Creek Road

Pull in area for 3 -4 cars



Easy, can be muddy in wet seasons

44 acres


The preserve is a secluded woodland with wetlands created by the Swan Brook and vernal pools. You might see turkey, deer, amphibians, and other wildlife here.


The White trail forms a 1 mile loop through the wetland area created by the Swan Brook. It is somewhat challenging in that the terrain is both wet and very rocky and uneven.


The short Green trail near the entrance makes a small and easy loop featuring a the Mile Creek Educational Trail nature trail with markers and descriptions of interesting features that was created by local elementary students.


This 44-acre parcel of land was donated to the Trust in 1973 by William and Connie Pike and was the first of our major preserves. Connie Pike was honored with the Trust's Land Saver award for her very generous donation.

Woodlands trail

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