Lay-Allen Preserve
33-1 Lords Meadow Lane
New entrance on Bayberry Ridge Rd. - Orange Trail!
Parking only at pull in lot on Lord's Meadow Lane
Parking on street at Bayberry Ridge Rd.
Easy to Moderate with some wet areas
205 acres
This is the OLLT's largest preserve, with long trails passing through serene woodlands and over high scrub-covered ledges. Considerable wetlands can be found in the northern sector. The blue trail connects to the trail system on the Town-owned McCulloch Family Open Space property.
The lower Orange trail (small loop to the right) is flat with a small stream crossing, and offers easy hiking through a wooded area with mountain laurel.
The upper Orange trail crosses rocky ledges, and involves slightly steeper terrain. It follows a stream on the boundary at one point and passes pretty rocky ledges.
The Red loop has a stream crossing, can be muddy in the spring months, and is more of a wetland area. The hike goes from easy to moderate as it climbs uphill past old farmland and past a notable old oak.
The Blue trail can be moderate at points with some steeper sections. It crosses the power line right-of-way and loops around the back of the property following old stone walls.
Installing the new Bayberry Ridge Road entry sign April 2022

Work party clearing new trail into lay-Allen, April 2022